Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe - Specialization

If you peruse the people in the news
The people that the magazines refer to
You'll find that they are naturally soignée
The special ones that all of us defer to
They've each a trait that seems to state first raters
Which separates them from the small potaters

Maria callas
Is booked in dallas
The carpet's rolled out and they're sold out clear to the skies

Specialization, specialization
They'll love your high notes if
If you specialize

When elvis rotates
Each critic note-takes
It may look funny
But the money's what it supplies

Specialization, specialization
You'll meet the colonel if
If you specialize

Salome did it with... Veils!
Abe lincoln did it with... Rails!
Toledo did it with... Scales!
The chinese built that wall
Ooh, specialists all

Marc clement gives gals the tremors
This casanovan sure has the rovin'est eyes

Specialization, specialization
You'll rule the barnyard if
If you specialize

The pharaohs did it with sphinx!
And darwin did it with links!
Some robbers did it with brinks!
Carnegie used the hall
Specialists all

Van cliburn caused us a high burn
While we were blushin'
Some russian gave him the prize

Specialization, specialization
They'll give you medals if
They'll love your high notes if
You'll meet the colonel if
You'll rule the barnyard if
If you specialize

I specialize!